Are You Downsizing or Decluttering?

Are You Downsizing or Decluttering?

Get residential dumpster rental services in the Hedgesville or Martinsburg, WV area

If you're clearing old items out of your home, you may need a dumpster to put them in. You can rely on Rent Me! Roll off Dumpster Rental, a local dumpster rental company serving the Martinsburg and Hedgesville, WV area.

Our 14 yard dumpster rental includes:

  • More Standard Weight (3000 vs. 2000 lbs.)
  • Longer Standard Rental Period (3 days vs. 1 day)
  • Greater Volume than other Small Dumpsters (14 yards vs. 10 yards)
  • Better Overall Economy & Value

Our dumpsters are also landscape-friendly! We take extra care to protect your driveway, lawn or patio so that your dumpster is right where you need it without damaging the site. You can dispose of standard boxes and garbage bags as well as larger household items, like couches or bedframes. Contact us now to schedule residential dumpster rental services.

Learn why you can rely on Rent Me! Roll off Dumpster Rental

Our commercial and residential dumpster rental company provides friendly, professional service. We also draw from more than 20 years of experience in this line of work. We provide clean, well-maintained dumpsters, delivered and picked up on time. Reach out to us today to schedule roll-off dumpster rental services.